The Collective commits to providing resources and/or links to resources that will allow you to learn more about all things related to disability employment.
Click the tab below that is relevant to you to see more resources.
Job Seeker
Service Definitions
Job Seeker
- CareerOneStop Explore Careers – Explore Careers – What kind of career will fit you best?
- Clemson Life is an on campus program for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Cleveland State University’s Rise Program is an on campus program for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Community Life Guide: Employment -Learn about Community Employment. There are 8 main ideas about employment in this Learn section. Each main idea has step-by-step help to navigate the topics. There are also tools and exercises.
- Continuum of Employment Options Benefits Planning
- Disability Benefits 101 Ohio -Understand the programs that help you. See how work can help.
- Disability Benefits-Employment First-Confronting Fears about losing benefits due to employment opportunities. “I can‘t work because I will lose my benefits!” If this statement sounds familiar, this information is for you! Ohio has developed a training series to help individuals with disabilities address their “F.E.A.R.” related to working and maintaining disability benefits.
- DODD Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities –Offering support across the lifespan of people with developmental disabilities, the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities oversees a statewide system of supportive services that focus on ensuring health and safety, supporting access to community participation, and increasing opportunities for meaningful employment.
- Explore Work | Future planning for teens with disabilities – If you are a teen who has a disability, you have choices and things to do to prepare for life after high school and becoming an adult. Just like every teen, this is a time of transition. You are preparing to be an adult, get a job, and become more independent. A big part of planning for the future means thinking about a job that is a good fit for you. Want to find out more about who you are and what you’re good at? This training will help you explore your talents and create a plan for your future!
- Five Tips For Integrating Employees With Intellectual Or Developmental Disabilities
- Handshake was created to ensure that all college students have equal access to meaningful careers
- Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues.
- Joint Guidance on Referrals for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) have developed this joint guidance for both County Boards of Developmental Disabilities and Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) staff to facilitate the referral process for vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with developmental disabilities
- Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD) – this program allows individuals with disabilities who are working to qualify for Medicaid with higher income and resource limits, and buy into Medicaid by paying a premium based on income. Historically, people with disabilities were often discouraged from working because their earnings made them ineligible for Medicaid coverage. MBIWD was created to enable Ohioans with disabilities to work and still keep their health care coverage.
- My Next Move What do you want to do for a living?
- O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, developers, researchers, and more!
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency whose mission is to empower Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determination, and independence.
- PCRN: Employability Skills Successful Careers are built on solid personal and interpersonal skills. Defining, measuring, and building these skills— even naming them— can be challenging. In an effort to leverage and connect the efforts of policy makers, educators, and employers, the U.S. Department of Education compiled the Employability Skills Framework and developed related tools, media and resources.
- Social Security Administration – This section contains general listings of the work incentives for SSDI and SSI beneficiaries.
- STABLE Accounts—for too long, people with disabilities could not save for the future out of fear of losing needed government benefits. The disability community fought long and hard to change this, and together they’ve come up with a solution. A STABLE account is a way to save for qualified expenses, invest for future needs, and keep the benefits you rely on every day. STABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities and their families. The money in these accounts can be saved and used by the individual for many purposes while maintaining the individual’s benefits (such as Medicaid).
- Think College of the Institute for Community Inclusion of the University of Massachusetts Boston offers strategies to collaborate with employers.
- U.S. Department of Labor As an organization with diverse functions, the U.S. Department of Labor carries out its mission through a number of offices and agencies. These are organized into major program areas, and headed by an Assistant Secretary or other official. You can also view the Department of Labor’s Organizational Chart.
- Work Incentives Planning and Assistance— provides information about how working in the community might affect your current benefits. These reports are completed by Certified Work Incentives Coordinators or Community Work Incentives Practitioners and can be accessed through a HCBS Waiver, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) or Disability Rights Ohio.
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) The purpose of the law is to increase opportunities for individuals, particularly those with barriers to employment, support alignment of workforce investment, education, and economic development systems, provide workers with the skills and credentials to secure and advance employment, promote improvement in the structure and delivery of services, increase the success of workers and employers, and increase the employment retention and earnings of participants and the attainment of recognized post-secondary
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government’ programs and services
- AskEARN | Spotlight: Inclusive Hiring “Inclusive hiring” means that at every stage of the hiring process, disabled people have equitable access. Commit to disability inclusion and inclusive hiring in 2025 and follow EARN to learn how your business can amplify its efforts!
- Autism Workforce – We prepare companies to successfully hire, train, and retain autistic employees, empowering businesses to celebrate the benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace. Using well-thought-out and proven strategies, we bridge the gap between good intentions and the need to take care of business.
- Business Benefits for Hiring Individuals with Disabilities Hiring individuals with disabilities can be a smart move for your business.
- Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Resources for Employers -To support people with disabilities in CIE, employers should have awareness about job accommodations and how to create an inclusive workplace culture. Employers should also understand the contributions people with significant disabilities can make in their workplaces. Information about these topics can be found here, along with information about employing people with disabilities or mental health conditions, including veterans, and resources specifically for federal agencies and federal contractors.
- Disability:IN Your Business Partner for Disability Inclusion. -Disability:IN is the leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide. Our network of over 500 corporations expands opportunities for people with disabilities across enterprises.
- DOL, in partnership with JAN, recently launched the “Situations and Solutions Finder” tool that provides more than 700 examples of workplace accommodations, making it easier for workers with disabilities and employers to identify effective accommodation ideas. Providing Accommodation Ideas for Workers and Their Employers
- DOL Employer Toolkit Helping Workers with Disabilities Get Ahead Through Good Jobs: A Toolkit of Practical Strategies
- Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) offers information and resources to help organizations of all sizes recruit, hire, retain, and advance people with disabilities; build inclusive workplace cultures; and meet diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) goals.
- Employment Fact Sheet Employment First facts for Employers
- Employment First is a policy to ensure every individual of working age has an opportunity to seek employment. Agencies are directed to provide a person-centered planning process for every individual of working age to identify their desired employment goal and their place on the path to community employment.
- Five Tips For Integrating Employees With Intellectual Or Developmental Disabilities Forbes Article
- Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities. ODEP’s mission is to develop and influence policies and practices that increase the number and quality of employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
- Ohio Means Jobs -Find a job, learn career skills, meet the requirements of your government benefits, and more on
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Disability Education
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Employer Partner List
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Inclusive Employer Tool Kit
- Social Security Administration – This section contains general listings of the work incentives for SSDI and SSI beneficiaries.
- Strategies for Working with People who have Disabilities from The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government’ programs and services
- DODD Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities –Offering support across the lifespan of people with developmental disabilities, the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities oversees a statewide system of supportive services that focus on ensuring health and safety, supporting access to community participation, and increasing opportunities for meaningful employment.
- Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Transformation Hub-These webpages provide resources to support steps to increase the participation of people with disabilities in CIE. Whether you’re an individual with a disability or family member, employment service provider, state agency or employer our CIE Transformation Hub has practical resources for you.
- Explore Work | Future planning for teens with disabilities – If you are a teen who has a disability, you have choices and things to do to prepare for life after high school and becoming an adult. Just like every teen, this is a time of transition. You are preparing to be an adult, get a job, and become more independent. A big part of planning for the future means thinking about a job that is a good fit for you. Want to find out more about who you are and what you’re good at? This training will help you explore your talents and create a plan for your future!
- Five Tips For Integrating Employees With Intellectual Or Developmental Disabilities
- Social Security Administration – This section contains general listings of the work incentives for SSDI and SSI beneficiaries.
- U.S. Department of Labor As an organization with diverse functions, the U.S. Department of Labor carries out its mission through a number of offices and agencies. These are organized into major program areas, and headed by an Assistant Secretary or other official. You can also view the Department of Labor’s Organizational Chart.
- Could an employee with a developmental disability work in my employment industry?
- What supports are available to inclusive businesses that employ individuals with developmental disabilities?
- Connection to job seekers through LCBDD
- Assistance to make posting, hiring, and employment practices inclusive.
- Support with onboarding and training individual.
- Disability awareness training for administration and staff. Click here to request:
Job Seekers/Employees:
- What if I worked in the community before and I did not like it?
- Many factors play a role in our success and satisfaction at a job including the environment, tasks, hours/days, and coworkers. Because the factors are different from job to job, it is certainly worth trying a new job. With support, you will likely find a job that is a good fit for you!
- How do I learn what jobs are available and what I like to do?
- There are opportunities to learn about and even trial some jobs near you through volunteering, job shadowing, career exploration, etc. Talk with your team about how to access these options.
- What if I lose my job?
- There are never any guarantees but your team will work to set you up for success. If you do lose your job or decide that you do not like it, there are other jobs out there! Your team will help you to find the best one for you.
- Will I miss my friends from the day program if I get a job?
- You will have the opportunity to make new friends at your job and may be able to continue to see the friends from your day program at other events.
- There may be an option for you to remain in your day program and wok in the community. Work with your team to talk about what a meaningful week looks like for you.
- Will I be safe working in the community?
- With preplanning, employees with disabilities can use supports from the employer on safety issues and strategies such as cell check ins and asking drivers for assistance to remain safe in the community. Work with your team to plan ahead.
- What may happen to my benefits when I work?
Service Definitions
- Spectrum of Supports is an in depth look at HCBS waiver based services with links to DODD rule.
- Adult Day Support is a day program with a focus on non-work activities that helps the individual develop skills that lead to more independence, community membership, relationship-building, self-direction, and self-advocacy. [Waiver Eligible Service]
- Adult Day Support with Vocational Habilitation is a day program with a vocational component that provides learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, which helps the individual develop general skills that lead to competitive integrated employment. These services are meant to be short-term and used to support the individual while they are learning general work skills that will help them get a job in the community. [Waiver Eligible Service]
- Group Employment Support is two or more individuals working in regular business, industry and community settings with supports from a Job Coach. Offers groups of individuals paid employment and work experience. [Waiver Eligible Service]
- A variety of services through various funding sources are available to help the individual find their most independent place on the path to employment at no cost to the individual. Services may be available through Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and/or the Medicaid Waiver, if eligible, needed, and available. Some commonly utilized services include the following:
- Vocational Evaluation is used to identify and evaluate the individual’s current and projected vocational functioning to determine viable employment options. [OOD Eligible Service]
- Career Exploration is used to assist the individual in exploring a specific employment outcome. The individual has the opportunity to shadow, observe, attempt the job tasks, or ask questions of employees performing the job tasks associated with the identified occupation. [OOD Eligible Service] and [Waiver Eligible Service]
- Community Based Assessment is a paid job trial with a Job Coach to assess the individual’s current work skills and identify/recommend future community services and supports/resources needed in order for the individual to be successful in competitive integrated employment. [OOD Eligible Service]
- Work Adjustment is an additional paid opportunity for the individual to address specific barriers/behaviors and identify/recommend ongoing supports and accommodations in a competitive integrated setting with the support of a Job Coach. [OOD Eligible Service]
- Job Development is used to assist the individual to receive necessary supports to successfully obtain and maintain permanent employment. [OOD Eligible Service] and [Waiver Eligible Service]
- Career Planning is individualized, person-centered, comprehensive employment planning and support that provides assistance for individuals to achieve or advance in competitive integrated employment. It is designed to develop an individual employment plan and gather information about a person’s strengths, interests, and employment preferences. This service can include the following components: benefits education and analysis, career discovery, career exploration, employment/self-employment plan, job development, self-employment launch, situational observation and assessment, and/or worksite accessibility. [Waiver Eligible Service]
- Career Training are opportunities to learn skills in various employment industries to improve the quality of competitive integrated employment outcomes for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Competitive Integrated Employment is when a person is working in an integrated environment for at least minimum wage with the opportunity for advancement and the same level of benefits as other employees without disabilities in similar positions. (Information about Benefits Planning: Employment First | Benefits Planning Information ( )
- On the Job Supports prepares the individual to perform job tasks within the employer’s accepted quality and quantity standards and to successfully learn the job tasks and the work environment. [OOD Eligible Service]
- Individual Employment Support can help a person maintain employment. A Job Coach provides these services. [Waiver Eligible Service]
Note: For more information, click the service to follow the link to the Rule on OOD or DODD website.